Neil Armstrong was one of the first men on the moon. He was Also one of the Astronauts on the Apollo 11. He was the leader of the mission and was the one to say "one small step for a man, one giant leap for man kind". Neil Armstrong said that it was a pleasure for him to take part "in one great adventure" and that it is a privilege for him to tell us about it. He was important because he became a symbol of the U.S better then the Soviet Union.


Another astronaut on the trip was Buzz Aldrin. He joined NASA in 1963 and his first time in space was when he was the pilot of the Gemini 12. He was the second man on the moon right after Neil Armstrong. He was born  January 30, 1930. What interested him the most was how you move around in the Apollo 11 because he went though a check list.


 Mike Collins was also an astronaust on the Apollo 11. He was born on October 31, 1930 in Rome, Italy. Mike Collins was taking pictures and driving at one point on the Apollo 11, he thinks that that was the time when he was most busy. His most Important job was to make sure the landing gear was locked correctly. If it wasn't locked correctly he space ship wouldn't land correctly.