How to Get From Home Page to Other Pages

To get to The Space Race click on The Space Race. On that page there will be information on how the Apollo 11 help the United States of America win the Space Race and what the Space Race is and why was there a Space Race.

To get to Astronauts on Board the Apollo 11 click on Astronauts On Board The Apollo 11. On that page there will be information on who the astronauts where, and how they felt about being on the Apollo 11

To get to How the Apollo 11 is an Inovation click on How the Apollo 11 is an Inovation On that page there will be information on how the Apollo 11 fits into the theme of inovation and how it has affected us.

To get to president kennedy the Apollo 11 click on President Kennedy and the Apollo 11. On that page there will be information on What the Apollo is recognized for and why the Apollo 11 is so special.