The Space Race

 The Cold War was a competition to rule "international affairs". It started after World War II between the U.S. and Soviet Union. The Arms Race was a competition between the USA and Soviet Union to make the most wepons. The Space Race and the Arms Race where part of the Cold War.
The Space Race was the competition between Russia and the United States of America, to see who could get a man in space first. Russia won in 1957 with Sputnik and got a man in orbit.  The Apollo 11 was very important because the United States where able to beat the Soviets and put a man on the moon. The Space Race was about a decade long and out lased the cold war because when the cold war stopped the Space Race kept on going. There where many space shuttles to space between Sputnik and the Apollo 11. 
                                                           This is a picture of Sputnik